Alexandre Sanches

Encontrados 12 pensamentos de Alexandre Sanches

O sorriso é uma manisfestação externa de um acontecimento interno.

A humildade é uma virtude, não um comportamento.

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A maneira mais sublime de dizer algo a alguém ,é aquela que não usamos palavras

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Porquê que o Animal dito racional, é o único que age irracionalmente?

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O humor muda, um sorriso pode se desvanecer, os gostos alteram ou apuram, o cacife é volúvel, mas o caráter deve ser imutável.

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A vida é o que se vive, todo resto é efêmero

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Quando o argumento falece, o grito acontece

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Cry of a weary soul.

In these days,i was thinking to put my backpack and travel around the world to , no hotel rooms,just hostels, campsites and sometimes the softness of the grass supplemented with only a sleeping bag, stop in Chamonix and snowboarding in the summer, forget the cell phones ... forget the corruption, the neglect, indifference, lack of humility and realize that humility is a virtue, not a behavior. Live and respect the nature without demagogy to the point that she herself feel good with our presence.
Eat a combination of food that comes to our mind, cause even in that, the community, controls and dictates what and how "we must" use the food, not by being more healthy or something, but the fact to following a "cliché ".
Sit on the floor and eat without hurry, prefer the local businesses instead malls.
Meet people from different cultures and absorb what is good, wake up with the sunshine kissing our faces,not the clock to annoy our eardrums, wear clothes that we like and just for the only reason it were invented "to cover our body "and not for the hypocritical society accept us as the human beings.
And live each day as if it were your last ... and in the end reflect that life is what you live .... so my friends and not friends ....... Let us live!!

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Stop judging people for the first impression, you may regret !

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O imprevisto é mais certo que a própria certeza

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Sempre que me lembro do que ainda não fiz, não lamento, relembro imediatamente que o feito desatempado é volátil.

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O melhor remédio para a ação,é o desespero!

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