⁠There was a time during the night, I... Caio H. Khauam

⁠There was a time during the night, I loved a brother, I named First Light, he haunted a warden, beauty and roar, and shared the secrets never known before, but... Frase de Caio H. Khauam.

⁠There was a time during the night,
I loved a brother, I named First Light,
he haunted a warden, beauty and roar,
and shared the secrets never known before,
but father knew his elimination,
only revealed his dark damnation,
and spite my bleeds to his better half,
he chose instead to face fathers wrath,
now an outcast, his spite is clear,
It seize lights against what I hold dear,
he brings pain, death, fear and lies,
all while hiding in his cleaver disguise,
thought I warned people everywhere,
he has them convinced he wasn't there.