Coleção pessoal de tiengamaycon

61 - 80 do total de 206 pensamentos na coleção de tiengamaycon

O segredo da felicidade é viver em harmonia.

A maldade tem levado vidas a um grande infortúnio imaginário.

A zona de conforto leva pessoas libertas a se prenderem na prisão do engano.

A zona de conforto leva pessoas felizes a serem infelizes.

A zona de conforto leva pessoas inteligentes a seguirem conceitos errados.

Miseráveis” são aqueles que se endeusam, auto-idolatram.

“Miseráveis” são aqueles que falam sobre tudo, mas não pensam em suas vidas.

Uma família é formada por pessoas que pensam num mesmo conceito: amar.

A harmonia pessoal é genuína quando eu me amo e amo tudo que me rodeia.

A harmonia pessoal é genuína quando se luta quando se ama.

Busque ser um vencedor, mas isso acontece quando toma-se atitudes e perseverança nos passos.

Busque a paz interior, assim poderá trazer um clima otimista e harmonioso para si e para todos ao seu redor.

A harmonia pessoal acontece quando se busca princípios genuínos que te façam crescer.

Se o homem entendesse quão maravilhoso é o seu valor, ele conserta não se entregaria as ilusões e não viveria espelhos mágicos.

Guardar o coração significa escondê-lo dos grandes conflitos da vida.
Guardar o coração significa escondê-lo de todo mal para que ele permaneça saudável até o fim.
Porque se o coração não estiver saudável, pode crer que seus dias serão abreviados.

O grande erro do homem é que ele não se conhece.

Uma das causas dos conflitos internos emocionais é que a pessoa não tem visão estratégica para vencer situações contraditórias.

O amor é magnífico e vive para sempre.

Time Discovered
March 13, 2011

We will begin this book with the message that will break the spell and the chains of bitterness.
Can I start saying you're a person of a value inscrutable, just because it is God's creation.
When God formed man and woman he made with his hands.
Did as love, affection, devotion, and perfection.
And we are His image and likeness.
This means that we have the capacity to love, choose, to dream, design, perform, create.
Finally, we have the ability to do what is good.
But due to the illusions of man to want power, you lose the community that once had with God. He lost some privileges.
But do not worry, Jesus Christ, Son of God, came to renew that communion and intimacy with God.
Then the time of discovery begins when we recognize our mistakes, and make the error, hit a bridge.
We are disappointments, one way to respond wisely.
We begin to discover the simple fact that we are God's creation.
Perfect work of the Almighty.
Nothing else compares to the creation of God and His supernatural power.
We are the perfect product of his love.
We are the essence of his passion.
We are the consummation of the divine plan.
We have within us the courage to create in our minds and hearts the joy of living.
You can reflect your life, when you are faced with God's creation.
When you stop and think how good and so is God's creation.
The first step to discovering their value, is to recognize the greatness of God's creation.
So the journey of discovery begin.
Whenever a sentence is said in this book, stop and think and try to put more truth on the tablets of his heart, so that when the criticism comes slander or libel, you can overcome them by understanding their real value.
Its value is not what you make.
Its value is already in you, you're told.
Ready to raise a decent life.
Ready to tell the world, I am a garden of joy.
But do not get value out of it, before knowing his.
Because you will lose your identity.
And the identity is made when we found out.
Indeed, identity is something so valuable that we can not leave out, understanding of self.
This book is not to massage your ego, but to make you a better person, when they hearken to the voice of truth (Jesus Christ), we can then live a decent life before men and before God.
For you know your value, you need to look within themselves, not with a simple look, but with a deep look, with a mission to hunt down within themselves the values ​​that were lost causes by the adversities of life.
Look at yourself and see its value.
Get to know yourself more and see its value.
You do not need a horoscope or sorcerers, or psychologists to discover their values. The only thing you need is to look within themselves.
Always spying on their land.
Always try to capture values ​​that are in you, and that will never be lost, only if you live in illusions.
Because the illusion "steal" our values, and then live unworthily.
When we opened the door of our hearts for deception, for vanity, for the superfluities of life, we lose intimacy with God and with us and give a hand to misfortune.
I have a witness to give, as long I lived a delusion, thinking I was one thing, but actually I was different, very different.
I spent a process where I cried, lived and times of angst, charm kissed my heart and I lived to suffer.
But when I took a decision to change the spell was broken, because I opened my ears to the gospel and the Word of God.
And everything in my life changed.
It was wonderful to give credit to God's Word.
I can say that this book is a literary autobiography of my life and my first steps to my intimacy with Christ.
I could overcome my fears when I let God heal me.
I could see the marks of illusions dispelled and the stones of my life.
My land was then healed and my known values.
And I found it worth living light of God's Word.
What a joy it is to live the Word of God.
And you want to live better lives, start giving credit to God's Word.
Try to hear some good news, messages from heaven.
The time of discovery will begin to develop in your life when you stop to think that the way we live is not worth it, living in illusions, not the life that God dreamed and planned for all of us.
God has better for you.
God can change your life, you can just tell the direction of God, that He will send you the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, and so to convince you that you are very special to God.
Look at yourself.

Tiempo de conocer:
13 de marzo 2011

Vamos a empezar este libro con el mensaje de que se romperá el hechizo y las cadenas de la amargura.
¿Puedo empezar diciendo que es una persona de un valor inescrutable, sólo porque es creación de Dios.
Cuando Dios formó al hombre y la mujer que hizo con sus manos.
¿Sabía que el amor, el afecto, la devoción, y la perfección.
Y estamos a su imagen y semejanza.
Esto significa que tenemos la capacidad de amar, elegir, de soñar, diseñar, ejecutar, crear.
Por último, tenemos la capacidad de hacer lo que es bueno.
Sin embargo, debido a las ilusiones del hombre a querer el poder, pierde la comunidad que una vez tuvo con Dios. Perdió algunos privilegios.
Pero no te preocupes, Jesús Cristo, Hijo de Dios, vino a renovar la comunión e intimidad con Dios.
A continuación, la época del descubrimiento comienza cuando reconocemos nuestros errores, y hacer que el error, golpeó un puente.
Estamos decepciones, una manera de responder con sabiduría.
Empezamos a descubrir el simple hecho de que somos creación de Dios.
Perfecta obra del Todopoderoso.
Nada se compara a la creación de Dios y su poder sobrenatural.
Somos el producto perfecto de su amor.
Somos la esencia de su pasión.
Somos la consumación del plan divino.
Tenemos en nosotros la valentía de crear en nuestras mentes y corazones la alegría de vivir.
Usted puede reflejar su vida, cuando se enfrentan a la creación de Dios.
Cuando te paras a pensar en lo bueno y también lo es la creación de Dios.
El primer paso para descubrir su valor, es reconocer la grandeza de la creación de Dios.
Así que el viaje de descubrimiento de comenzar.
Cada vez que una frase que se dice en este libro, detenerse a pensar y tratar de poner más verdad en las tablas de su corazón, para que cuando la crítica viene calumnia o difamación, puede superar mediante la comprensión de su valor real.
Su valor no es lo que hacen.
Su valor ya está en ti, que te dicen.
Listo para plantear una vida digna.
Listo para decirle al mundo, soy un jardín de la alegría.
Pero no logran un valor fuera de él, antes de su saber.
Dado que va a perder su identidad.
Y la identidad se produce cuando nos enteramos.
De hecho, la identidad es algo tan valioso que no podemos dejar de lado, la comprensión de sí mismo.
Este libro no es para dar masajes a su ego, sino para hacer una mejor persona, cuando se oye la voz de la verdad (Jesucristo), podemos vivir una vida digna delante de los hombres y ante Dios.
Para saber su valor, tiene que mirar dentro de sí mismos, no con una mirada simple, pero con una mirada profunda, con la misión de cazar dentro de sí mismos los valores que se perdieron por causa de las adversidades de la vida.
Mírate a ti mismo y ver su valor.
Llegar a conocerte a ti mismo más y ver su valor.
Usted no necesita un horóscopo o hechiceros, o psicólogos para descubrir sus valores. Lo único que necesitas es mirar dentro de sí mismos.
Siempre espiando a su tierra.
Siempre tratan de capturar los valores que hay en ti, y que nunca se perderá, si usted vive en ilusiones.
Debido a la ilusión de "robar" nuestros valores, y luego vivir indignamente.
Cuando abrimos la puerta de nuestros corazones por el engaño, por vanidad, por lo superfluo de la vida, perder la intimidad con Dios y con nosotros y darle una mano a la desgracia.
Tengo un testimonio que dar, siempre he vivido una ilusión, pensando que era una cosa, pero en realidad yo era diferente, muy diferente.
Pasé un proceso en el que lloré, vivió y los momentos de angustia, el encanto besó mi corazón y yo vivimos para sufrir.
Pero cuando tomé la decisión de cambiar el hechizo se había roto, porque me abrió los oídos al Evangelio y la Palabra de Dios.
Y todo en mi vida cambió.
Fue maravilloso dar crédito a la Palabra de Dios.
Puedo decir que este libro es una autobiografía literaria de mi vida y mis primeros pasos de mi intimidad con Cristo.
Pude superar mis miedos cuando dejo que Dios me sane.
Podía ver las marcas de las ilusiones disipado y las piedras de mi vida.
Mi tierra fue curado y luego mis valores conocidos.
Y lo encontré vale la pena vivir la luz de la Palabra de Dios.
¡Qué alegría que es vivir la Palabra de Dios.
Y usted quiere vivir una vida mejor, empezar a dar crédito a la Palabra de Dios.
Trate de escuchar buenas noticias, los mensajes del cielo.
El momento del descubrimiento comenzará a desarrollar en su vida cuando se detiene a pensar que la forma en que vivimos no vale la pena, que viven en la ilusión, no la vida que Dios soñado y planeado para todos nosotros.
Dios tiene mejor para usted.
Dios puede cambiar tu vida, sólo puede decir la dirección de Dios, que Él le enviará el Espíritu Santo, el Espíritu de la Verdad, por lo que para convencerte de que eres muy especial para Dios.
Mírate a ti mismo.

Soy un fan
Maycon Tieng

Soy un fan de los maestros, con semilla e instruir a sus estudiantes.
Yo soy un fan de los médicos, que exaltan la moral y el carácter del hombre.
Yo soy un fan de los psicólogos.
Yo soy un fan de los médicos.
Soy un fan de los escritores.
Soy un fan de los poetas.
Yo soy un fan de tratar todos los días a ser menos de ti mismo y más cerca de llegar a Dios.
Yo soy un fan de ellos son verdaderos.
Soy un fan de los que no llevan máscaras.
Soy un fan de los que no mienten.
Soy un fan de sus seres queridos.
Soy un fan de que va a luchar y luchar.
Soy un fan de esas mismas personas que no ganaron una pelea, pero eso no renunciar a luchar nunca.
Yo soy un fan de no decir que soy la única.
Yo soy un fan de la realidad.
Soy un fan de la soñadora.
Yo soy un fan de lo que hace a Jesús Cristo el centro de sus vidas, sus aspiraciones y sus estados.
Soy un fan de la solidaridad.
Soy un fan de los que hablan cosas buenas.
Soy un fan que tropieza y se cae y se levanta.
Yo soy un fan de lo que gana.
Soy un fan de alguien que nunca dio para arriba en usted.
Soy un fan de ese valor.
Soy un fan de la valoración de otras personas.
Soy un fan de los que ayudan.
Soy un fan que el amigo sincero y fiel.
Yo soy un fan de lo que es mi fan.

Where are you?
By Maycon Tieng

The question that often makes our reason is: Where are you?
You are at your place? You're in the right place?
Because emotions give legality, we fall into illusion and lost control of our mind.
Then we give space to the curses.
Where are you now?
Where is your heart?
Where is your faith?
Where is your reason?
I think he lost his reason.
Many times in our life we ​​want to be gods and so consequently we lost our values.
Have you ever stopped to think about this?
Today, the world has attracted the man of the heart to vanity.
As the wise Solomon: Everything under the sun is vanity.
Deceptive ways of the heart.
Where are you now?
Would you have thought how is your life lately?
I do not know.
Just know that I am a voice that needs to be heard, so that lives will change their views, their concepts, their conduct, their ways.
I'm not the path.
But I am a human who can encourage you to continue your life the right way where you work out which is the same, not by emotion, but by reason.
It is not easy to change, but it is a great need.
When we are thirsty, drink water.
When we're hungry, eat something.
And when we need to change, do nothing.
When our heart cries out for help, why not take it anymore compete with the world and its illusions, the despair and depression give space for the dwelling.
We are at a time when many people need to be healed.
Healed of bitterness, deception, illusions, the vile passions.
But for that to happen, it is necessary that the person decides to take action and change.
Where are you?
In the cave. In prison. In the bed.
Life plays tricks on: deception, delusion, greed by the repulsive things carnal and transitory, but all this is pure vanity.
Do not be fooled.
Where are you?
How are you?
Why are you there?

Cannibal Women
November 28, 2010
There was a certain woman who walked the outskirts of a city, it loads in one of his hands a knife.
This woman went to the forest every night to see if any wild animal went there.
He had a passion cannibal.
Killing the animals and ate them.
A passion unintelligible and barely understood by the human mind.
And also a pleasure to lead this woman to kill also the handsome men and ate them.
It was his happiness, was his pleasure and satisfaction was his.
Every night was like her going out hunting for their happiness and satisfaction.
And in the morning people could see the bodies left in the woods.
Neither the police knew and did not even mind imagine who would do such a thing.
This woman was bad, but it was a very sociable, but when evening came to an evil spirit possessed and used it to carry out such horrific things, disgusting and inhumane.
There were years and years and one night this woman was going to learn that his death left a letter saying that she performed these acts, but she does not repent for it.
And people are very scared and did not understand its barbarity.
And she did not say why.
And the final story of this woman reincarnated as a rich girl and committing the same acts.
And so the story continues